December objectives and status.

December Objetives and status!

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great start of month!

There is a lot going on right now and on december, so here's like the short version of it: There is going to be only one update in december due to mostly traveling and also working on the Story mode.

Also, im very happy to announce that i managed to make a Dialogue system work, so the game is oficially in Phase 3 of development!

What is phase 3? Phase 3 in development (on my games) means that 50% of the time will be focused on making the story campaign, while the other 50% will be focused in development of new content and features. As such you may perceibe that there is less stuff going on, however im working a lot (and i mean it), on the Story mode, which you wont be able to see for now, until the game is almost ready. Story mode will be the gem for the launch of the game.

How will Story mode work?

The story starts with your character coming to Atlantic city, and eventually joining the Kinky Fight Club. There over the course of some months you will participate in the league and have some other adventures, which i cant tell because it will be very spoilerish.
The Story mode goes with a weekly energy (100), that you can spend in various ways: working (to get cash), going to the gym/university/etc( where you can train to improve your stats/level), going out to events, bars, going to the beach, or going to the KYFC to have a match. No activity is obligatory, so you can play as you like, depending on what you do and what you dont, and your overall Win/Lose ratio you may get to different endings!. 

While in Story mode you will be able to select from diferent options when talking with someone, which can develop into different events or outcomes. You choices matter here! (however not all of the choices are gamechanging, but some of them may lead into some events triggering).

This is the plan for how Story mode will work, it currently is working at a very basic level: the dialoges are working, including the choice making. The next step will be making the Map work.

What does Phase 3 mean for the regular updates? nothing! heh, this means im working on the story mode, so i will be doing a lot of work that you wont be able to see for now until it is more polished, however i will still be doing a lot of contet for the usual updates, including features request, costumes, movements, and characters!

Also i been working a bit with the artist and she started working on some of the elements of the Story, aswell as the missing 2D Art for the characters, so more 2D content is coming

! Comissions are back baby!

Now, whats coming on the december update?

New Character: The Acrobat.

She will include 4 new movements, 3 foreplay, and one Sex movement. And her style of combat will include a lot of footplay...

New Feature: Three cum mode! (Aka 3Cum)

As requested by some of the longest-supporting patrons and many players, i will be adding a feature that changes the win condition from 1 orgasm, to 3! This feature is optional and can be enabled or disabled in the Extras menu. Keep in mind this feature will make matches last a bit longer (around 1:30 mins usually). Also the system to prevent games from going too long is still on place, so after the 5min mark, both characters will get the Lustfull debuff, and take a stacking 10% more extasis each 40 seconds. So, the longer the match goes the easier it is for any character to orgasm. It will also increase slightly the amount of coins earned per match, to keep the same ratio of coin/hour.

New Clothing: I will add some christmass themed outfit on the Character Creator to celebrate! 

Animation De-sync Fix:

There has been a bug that eluded me for too long. I managed to find a way to fix it. This bug consist of sometimes when the domination values changes too big too fast (like for example when the player and the IA use the Grapple almost at the same time) , some of the animations may get out-of-sync with the other one, or, some of the animations will skip a stage, like being in stage 4 at 100% domination, instead of stage-5. So, hopefully for the next version there will be no more of this, and all animations will transition smoothly, and pretty and no-desync.

New Passives:

I will be adding a new passive suggested in the Discord, along with some other passives for the players to try out. The first passive im talking about will allow players to play with only Foreplay movements (using 10 foreplay movements!), and making them more effective once the opponent's arousal is at 90% or more. 

Lighting optimization:

This is mostly a non-visible change, but it may allow older computers to perform better on some cases, and will also lighten a bit the scene. I may do a poll in the future regardin light refraction on clothing, because i cant decide over two styles i like. Overall, this is just making the code cleaner and optimizing stuff. 


Dirty Talk 

This is probably the most requested feature in the last month or so, and i have been working on it quite a bit. Originally i came up with a super simple system, but i ended ditching it because i didnt want it to have like, 10 ten lines that will be spawned repeatedly regardless of the condition. So i made a new system, one that i managed to make it work yesterday:

The new Dirty talk system takes into account 6 different factors before deciding which line to show, this means theres 1822 possible iterations. I think i went a bit too overly complicated, but yeah, im happy about it. The lines that i will display sometimes will be linked one to another (what character 1 says, to what character 2 answers), however it will not be always the case. Keep in mind that 1822 possible iterations doesnt mean 1000+ different dialogues.

And this is the point i wanted to make here. I managed to make the system, but it basically empty, now i will have to fill somewhere between 100-300 lines of "dirty talking" , which i find harder than i originally tought. Also, the whole system needs a lot more testing. 

One amazing thing happened and was that, after putting this sentence in the Patreon post, i got a lot of wonderful messages (well, not a lot of messages) but the messages included a lot of amazing one-liners. which in conjunction with the ones i had, i should have somewhere around 500 one lines ready to be implementd. This really helps me!, i however still have to finish everything else before i can focus on this, but there is a small chance that i may be able to add it this month, if i dont manage to get it finished this month, then it will be on January for sure.

Also, the Dirty Talk, as many other features is optional, it can be enabled/disabled from the Extras menu!

We are very close to the next Goal, and the voting poll is open!
Once we reach the 900s goal i will add one more costume for all the characters in the game, and a lot of extra items. The style of these objects will be decided by the patrons, so if you are not a patron join there, help us reach the goal and vote for the style you like the most!
Currently Swimsuits is winning, with Latex being the second closest!

So, thats mostly all of it, if you wanna gift me and gift you something for Christmass, remember that i can make any custom skin/hair/clothing you want for the game (Character Creator), if you get to the Diamond tier!

Join me on Patreon to help the game grow, and get the lastest bestest nicest updates! now with 100% more character creator than the public ones!

And that's all, Have a wonderfull start of month, and i will see you near mid-december for some updates! 


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