Story mode Development

Hey everyone!

I hope you are having a wonderful day!

I haven't spoken much about what's coming or what im working in the past month, that's because i been working on Story mode, and boy there was a freaking lot of things to be done.

Mainly Code. >_<

So here i wanna show a bit of what i been working on.

Starting with the Character Customization for the Story Mode.

This is what i was working on yesterday, it's almost finished for-testing. The main differences with the Character Creator is that in this one all the data goes to the Story save data, which is a lot more protected than the standard character info. And also in Story mode the points the character has to spend are based on his level, and how high can his attributes can go depends on his level and where he trains!

You can focus more on a particular stat, or try to get a widespread on all of them, it all depends on your choices.
The Player character from story will start very weak, and may reach up to level 50! (and be more powerful than all other characters!)

But that, as most things with this game is optional, you can complete the Story mode, even if you keep losing matches! (you don't always have ot become mr. super champion of everything!)

Next thing i been working quite a bit is the Player's House:

This is the inside of the player's room, where you can see your statistics and a bunch of stuff in Story mode.
This menu may still be modified but that's basically how it will end up looking!

Another thing i been working this week is in improving the Extras Menu, as it was too full of stuff. Now i divided it into Visual Features (like boob size), and Gameplay features where you can find things like difficulty or Short mode.

I also been working on improving the Dirty Talk system, switching the timing, lines and other small stuff.  I polished some animations, and im comissioning more voicework for the Characters. 

Most of these changes will be announced soon in the March objetives, but here i wanted to Speak a bit about Story mode.

Story mode will basically give you 100 weeks for you to do whatever you want. Every few weeks there will be some events, most of the events will be optional, but some are required for you to join to continue with the Story. The Story will center on the Player joining the Kinky Fight Club, but it won't just end there. As long as you keep going on, you can participate in many events and skip others, the game is not just "win the tournament or retry again".  In order to obtain some results you will need to lose sometimes! (The most two basic endings includes one where you become the champion, and one where you don't!, but feel free to explore for many other endings!)

During those 100 weeks you will get a base of 100 energy each week. You can spend that energy going to work to get money, training to increase your stats, going out and gaining exp, joining the kinky fight club, either fighting or watching, and many other options.

At some point in the future, once the Patreon Goal is reached some Romance options will be added to the Story mode, making it kinda a Dating-sim too. 

And in this will you will be able to have a lot of different adventures, some more usual, some kinkier!

Im also working into getting a visual update for the game, this will take time, but i think before launch i will have better looking models and everything will be prettier!

If you want to support the project and get the lastests demo updates feel free to join on Patreon:

And you can get the 0.8A update that includes many improvements and the bootyslider!

Also wishlist the game on Steam, that would also help the game!

And as always sharing and speaking about the game can help it, as the more people it knows about it, the more players it gets, and the more feedback i get from players to improve the game. 

That's all friends!

Have a good night


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