Kinky Fight Club Update 0.9A
Kinky Fight Club Update 0.9A

Hello everyone!
I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Earlier Update this month! I been working quite a lot lately, both in Story and the Arcade modes of Kinky Fight Club. Im super excited for the final release of the Game’s on September 29th. I added a lot of new thingies to the game, so let’s go!
So What’s New?
Fixed Missing & Swapped movements
Some Characters were missing their 6th Foreplay or Sex move, and two characters had an Active role move on their Passive role Signature Movement Slot. This has been fixed, all characters should have their corresponding movements, including random characters!
Stage Selection
This new Feature allows us to pick which Stage we want to fight in the next Fight/series of Fights.
You can choose between 5 Stages in this current build:
- Classic KYFC Octagon
- Boxing Ring
- Roof Pool Ring
- A Pastel-Pink variation of the KYFC Octago
- A Bedroom

More Customization for Characters
Added 24 new HairStyles, and 15 new Eye Colors!
Neko Mode
When Enabled all the base characters will have neko ears!
You can enable or disable this in the Extras Menu.
Multiple Costumes for Custom Charcters!
This Patron-Requested Feature, has been asked some times by some of the players that give the best feedback for the game, and now, after 2 previouis failures, i managed to get it working properly, and not screw the game’s old character saves!
Now Each Custom Character can have up to 5 Costumes, including the Guests!
Also made Costumes for all the current Guests in the Game!
Also added a Failsafe to prevent any possible error in Character Loading when missing information due to Character Creator updates, hopefully errors in loading characters should now be way less probably to happen.

BoundPlay AI Fix
Fixed an erorr causing the Player AI to do not start on Round 2 sometimes.
Bunch of new Passives
Added 5 new Passives:
- Soul of a Sub: Recover Ecstasis when being Dominated.
- Soul of a Dom: Recover Ecstasis when Dominating your opponent.
- Pro Move: Faster Cooldown on Signature Move.
- Gambler’s Advantage: Increased critical chance on Advance.
- Last Stand: Deal more Ecstasis and Arousal the hornier you are!
You can now Retry the same match (win or lose) withouth having to go back to the main menu!
This Gallery Includes almost all the base poses in the game (and may add some extra in the future) for you to take screenshots and pics of your favorite characters!
You can unlock the Gallery for 1000 Coins in the Extras Shop, however since this is a reward for all of you who supported the game previously, during this month/update the pice is set to 1 Coin!
I also bought some dance animations for you! I hope you like them!
Keep in mind: There are no Sex-Animations on the Gallery yet!
Sex-Animations will join the Gallery only on version 1.00.
Also Gallery is using the Old Save Button space on Extras, now your options will be saved automatically upon entering the Gallery or going back to the Main Menu. (This is the reason i kept that button for those who were wondering weeks ago!)
New Cameras
This Player-Requested Feature is another one that i failed to do before, but now, in a stroke of genius, i realized how to make it, so i made 2 mouse-less rotating cameras, both rotate in the same direction, but one is closer and slower than the other!
Loading Screen
Added a New Loading Screen for the Game! This may be almost unnoticeable for newer computers, but will help load times and performance on old potato PCs.
Console Grammar and Language
Updated and corrected all Console messages, some of them were VERY badly written, my apologies for that, now they should be in proper english and not in caveman-speak!
New moves!
Added 4 new moves:
Standing Thighjob: This one includes a totally-different lesbian variation set!
Assjob: A Passive role starting move that uses your booty as a weapon of errorism!
Leg-Up Missionary: this one includes a Passive-role starting and a lesbian variation!
Standing 69: The most-requested move for the last three months is here! I hope you guys and gals like it, cause it was very complicated to animate! Also includes Lesbian and Gay variations.
With the Addition of these moves the Game now has 75 Original Sex movements! Yay we reached the target goal! If you count the lesbian and gay variations the game is already at 100+ moves, and this is all thanks to you, because animating takes a lot of time, and withouth your support i couldn’t spend all that time animating tits and dicks!
Individual Dick Size
And Finally another Player-requested Feature: Individual Dick Size! Each character now has their own Dick/Strap-on size (which is modified by the Global setting).
You can customize your Custom Character’s Dick Size in the Character Creator.
Bug fixes, animations improvements and related stuff as every month!
But what about Localization?
Im still working on it, i had more pressing matters that required me to focus on other things, and boy, this localization thingy takes ages, hopefully it will be ready soon…
And that’s all i got for now!
Woah, i managed to put up 3 of the most requested features (4 if you count the Standing 69 move!) in a single update! This feels great! I hope you guys and gals are as excited about the game’s update as i am!
We are getting so close to the game’s release!
I know that i always ask you guys and gals for helping me reach more people, but right now i think this is the best moment to help the game grow if you can.
Steam has a very particular way of working: The more wishlists and clicks your game gets the more Steam will helping promoting it. It is kind of weird in a way, but i didnt made the rules, im just trying to use them in my favor.
So if you guys and gals could help me by retweeting my silly posts, or posting on forums, or any other social media, or making videos, or in any possible way that may bring exposure to the game i will be super happy!
Here is the link for Wishlisting (please share it!)
And this is my Twitter link where i post silly ads and updates
In the end, the more exposure the game gets, and the bigger the community gets, the better for the whole game’s improvement!
And i really wanna thank all of my patreon supporters who really support me with their hard-earned money so i can put the work hours in the project and hire the people i need to hire to make things better. This game wouldn’t be possible withouth your help, and i really appretiate all of your support!
And i think that is all!
Starting on this update, since all Custom Characters can have their 5 Costumes, i wanna start building a Custom Character Database, so it would be awesome if you guys and gals could share characters you made in the Discord Channel for that:
Feel free to make any character, (even classic and known characters!) and share them!
Anyway, that’s al, as always i will be watching here and Discord in case anything needs fixing, and im happy to receive feedback, criticis and suggestions!
Download links on the Patreon Page, as usual!
Stay Safe, have fun, and enjoy the game!
Have a great Weekend!
–Changelog 0.9A–
- Fixed Missing Movements for all 30 based Characters
- Fixed Missing Movements for random characters.
- Fixed Maia’s Signature move (it was swapped Active and Passive)
- Fixed Cyara’s Dick color (was darker than intended).
- Fixed an error that caused Futa dicks to not properly appear when being victim of Pilediver Handjob.
- Fixed a bug that caused Signature Move (when used by the Enemy) to do not properly reduce Escape and Domination over time.
- Removed Birthday Gift Cheat codes.
- Fixed a bug ocurring with Random Selection.
- Added a new system to Select Stages!
- Added a New Stage: Pastel Pink Octagon
- Added a New Stage: Boxing Ring
- Added a New Stage: SkyFlare roof Pool
- Added a new Stage: Red and White Room
- Added a new Stage: Bedroom!
- Added a new Feature: Random Stage.
- Slightly uplifted Side Doggy to avoid ground clipping.
- The Game now remembers which stage you selected previously.
- Added 24 new HairStyles!
- Added a new Feature: Neko mode! When Enabled all the base characters will have neko ears! You can enable or disable this in the Extras Menu.
- Fixed an error that may have caused some characters to not load properly in the past.
- Added a new – Patron Requested- Feature: Multiple Costumes for Custom Charcters! (this is huge!) Now Each Custom Character can have up to 5 Costumes!
- Added a Failsafe to prevent any possible error in Character Loading when missing information due to Character Creator updates.
- Fixed an erorr causing the Player AI to do not start on Round 2 sometimes.
- Added a new Passive: Soul of a Sub.
- Added a new Passive: Soul of a Dom.
- Added a new Passive: Pro Move.
- Added a new Passive: Gambler’s Advantage.
- Added a new Passive: Last Stand.
- Added a new Feature: Retry! You can now Retry the same match (win or lose) withouth having to go back to the main menu!
- Added a new Gallery to the Game!
- This Gallery Includes almost all the base poses in the game (and may add some extra in the future) for you to take screenshots and pics of your favorite characters! (Sex animations will be added to the gallery upon game’s completion)
- Removed the Old Save Button on Extras, now your options will be saved automatically upon entering the Gallery or going back to the Main Menu.
- Added Functionality to the Gallery: now you can move, rotate, undress or (re-dress) any of the Characters individually!
- Added 35 Dance Animations! Thanks for all of you awesome people that support the Project!
- Added 15 New Eye Color Variations! If you were using the old smaller eyes, you are going to have to re-assign them, im sorry, but the list must be sorted properly!
- Added a new Player-Requested Feature: Mouse-less Rotating camera!
- Added 2 new Cameras that rotate looking at the Action!
- Added a New Loading Screen for the Game! This may be almost unnoticeable for newer computers, but will help load times and performance on old calculator PCs.
- Updated and corrected all Console messages!
- Added a new 5-stage Passive-role starting Foreplay Movement: Assjob!
- Added a new 5-stage Passive-role starting Foreplay Movement: Standing Thighjob!
- Added a new 5-stage Passive-role starting Foreplay Variation: Lesbian Standing Thighjob!
- Added a new 5-stage Foreplay Movement: Standing 69. This includes the The Active and Passive roles, and all the Lesbian and Gay Variations.
- Added a new 5-stage Sex Movement: Leg-up Missionary. This includes the Active and Passive roles.
- Added a new 5-stage Passive-role starting Sex Movement: Lesbian Leg-up Missionary.
- Added the Two new Cameras to the Character Creator!
- Added a new Player-Requested Feature: Individual Dick Size! Each character now has their own Dick/Strap-on size (which is modified by the Global setting). You can customize your Custom Character’s Dick Size in the Character Creator.
Get Kinky fight Club
Kinky fight Club
Adult Battle-Sex Game
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