​ Bad news

Hello everyone, i hope you are having a good day.

I been having quite a...complicated last few days/week, and im here with not so good news.

So what's up?

Originally i wanted to make both Project Nexus and Dungeon Coup with a character controller that i was super in love with, because of all the custpmization and possiblities it had. - it was almost too good to be true -. I been working with this perfectly for some time already, but when i wanted to integrate the sex part to the game, the barrage of complications started to happen. And in the end, after almost 10 days of trying to figure out how to fix stuff that was constantly not behaving as expected, im forced to essentially take a desition between two options:

A) Keep using the super character controller that has a lot of cool features, but that whenever you make something out of their generic functions shit starts to break pretty fast.

B) Write your own character controller upon which you will have full control on how everything works.

I choose option B after exhausting most possiblities for A, and this means a big delay in stuff, mainly in Project Nexus.

Because of the scope of Project Nexus, its grand endgame goal is to make a fully customizable sex-game with not only sex-battles, but sexy quests, serious quests, cool fighting mechanics and everything in between, including BDSM elements.

In short words: i have to re-do a fuckton of work, and everything is terribly delayed. Im working a lot of lately to try to get a demo of Dungeon Coup out in the next week, but i don't think ill be able to make a demo for Nexus this month.

Im sorry for those of you that were hyped, i was extremely hyped too, and taking this desition was really hard, but all those "errors" were gonna bite us in the ass in the future for sure.

So i don't have much more to say than that. Thanks for those of you who keep believeing and supporting me, i will do my best to have a decent demo of Dungeon Coup before the end of the month.

And coming into the next month i will focus more on Nexus and adding some content to KYFC. 

ill also update Kinky Fight Club tomorrow morning to fix Boundplay, because i accidentally broke it on the last update, sorry about that, there is A LOT going on in my life right now, and i can't stop to take vacations yet T_T

And that's it, sorry about the delay, but i promise you, once Project Nexus gets going, it will be awesome, Way better than anything i did before!

Have a great week fellas!


ps: in the end, it was too-good-to-be-true.

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