Yaradiel's crown update 0.3.5

Yaradiel's Crown update 0.3.5!

Hey friends!

I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Today is update day, so let’s get to it!

What’s new

  • Added a new title system! 

You can now choose a title to have for yourself, go and talk to the Herald on Zantlaha (outside the pyramid, going towards the market area). He will allow you to select two words to match and make your new title. This feature will be expanded in the future, right now it doesn’t do much, it is mostly a roleplay thing. When the game is finished title words will be unlocked when completing certain achievements, right now all words are unlocked. I would also like to add in the future that some npcs react to your title.

  • Added combat Hotkeys!

 You can now press 1 to 9 to use your actions in combat. You have to enable this on the adult settings, as this changes the buttons layout slightly. This makes the game almost playable one-handed. I will add a toggle for the camera in walking mode to follow the player, so it can be fully one-handed playable (when enabled) in the future. I personally love playing with hotkeys as it makes everything much faster. Making this feature took quite some time, as it is a fully dynamic system, changing - adapting- every time you open a menu rather than being hardcoded. 

  • Added masturbation! 

You can now buy on Zantlaha a bottle of lubricant to masturbate. When cumming while masturbating you won’t lose Willpower. 

In order to masturbate whenever you want you have to use the Lubricant item (sold in Zantlaha). It has unlimited uses!

Be warned, walking around with 80%+ Pleasure may cause you to start masturbating!

  • Added a new area: Den of pleasure, Vip area!
  • Added a new original sex position: Sensual titjob! This includes the Command and perform variations
  • Added a new original sex position: Sensual reverse cowgirl
  • Added a new enemy: Warrior muse
  • Added a new enemy: Eromancer
  • Added a new enemy: Temptress (or Tempter, male version)
  • Added new elites: Latex nun, Zain the master, and Shine
  • Added a new boss event for Shine. (Will you fall for her charms?)
  • Added a new overleveled elite: The neolatex siren (recommended level 30…or being very brave!)
  • Added a new adult setting: Rough sex mode! When enabled, if the starter of the sex position pleasure is at or above 20% it will start at 50% more speed. This just makes it more speedy and rough visually, gameplay wise there isn’t much impact.
  • Added a new adult setting: Sweatiness! As your characters participate more in sexfights and cum, they will get more sweaty! (Added based on player requests!)
  • Added 2 new abilities that can be used while fully bound. Tessa sells them
  • Added trinkets that have an additional effect when wearing specific clothing
  • Added new weapons: Dolls gloves and Dark staff
  • Added new combat abilities
  • Added new ero abilities (brat ero abilities!)
  • Added Mayhem’s intro quest (you will be able to meet Mayhem!)

What changed

  • Max level increased to 16
  • Grapple abilities are now sorted by “school” rather than alphabetically
  • Added 7 new sexy dance animations to the club dolls! (You will be able to use these in the future)
  • Updated enemies on the Den of pleasure capture area (to include new enemies)
  • Threesomes where both characters (attacker and assistant) participate in the sex act (instead of just holding the other) now both receive pleasure and cum.
  • Speed increased by 50% while no action is being taken (time between turns reduced)
  • Tessa’s shop now removes spell books that you already know the spells of
  • Modified enemy ai, so now it no longers bugs out trying to escape and is a bit more aggressive when entering sex
  • Enemies are now less likely to repeat same attacks over and over 
  • When using the End scene action you instantly increase the enemy pleasure by 30%


  • Ambush message no longer pops up while not on stealth
  • Fixed an issue with Cadence not applying the buff correctly
  • Fixed an issue that allowed “Join in” to invite someone into heavy bondage causing issues
  • Fixed an issue that caused stuns to wait after casting finished to actually stun.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed enemies to attack while casting (after being hit)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some status attributes to stack indefinitely
  • Fixed a visual bug with charmed eyes sometimes deleting base eyes
  • Fixed an issue with Execute and raging strike not working properly
  • Fixed an issue that could get players stuck after being restrained

And that’s all for this month friends!

Overall I feel like this update brings a lot of small quality of life changes that makes the game even better!

I don’t want to make a long post because I don’t feel very good today, I think I got a cold, or something like that…

So, just enjoy the game, and if you find any issue let me know and I will fix it.

The Vip area of the Den of pleasure has the most sensual enemies and the long awaited Doll’s gloves!

You can find the Download links here!

As always I really wanna thank all of you who support the development of our games, we work very hard to make them fun and sexy and we can do this because of your support! Thank you!

Have a great weekend, and have a nice Valentine’s day!


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(1 edit)

Mayhem doesn't seem to show up after you rescue him. he was also invisible when talking to him after beating the boss. 

Other than that I really like the new content

Why is it when you start sex combat its always the same position?