Dungeon Coup update 0.3!

Dungeon Coup Update 0.3
Hello everyone!
I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Today is update day, yay!
Here it is the long awaited customization for Dungeon Coup, as well as a major fix on lighting and performance. Im quite happy with the results, and i hope you guys and gals like it too. I spent a LOT of time trying to make the lighting work properly. Outside of that december seems to be going all right, and i will be moving soon, so im trying to get as much stuff done before the end of the year.
Anyway, let's get into the update!
So, what's new?
Character Selection: I improved the character selection screen, now it will be simpler to understand for new players, and also the futanari and femboy features are more highlited.
Customization: Added customization! the whole design is based on Kinky Fight Club, but i remade it to function properly in Dungeon Coup with a better spread of things, i also added a third Extra slot for the player. In the current version you can have 2 custom characters, i will keep adding more as the time progresses. Each character can have up to 5 costumes!
Lighting changes: I completely revamped the whole lighting system. Everything looks way better now, and i followed your votes to focus on the light being more focused in the details of the body, rathen than being more "frontal".
This change is huge, as it makes everything look better and improves the atmosphere of the game itself. I haven't finished yet and im still having trouble with the second floor lights.
Performance improvement: I greatly optimized the way the game works and got an increase in +20-50 FPS (depending on which computer im testing it), but now my old laptop runs DC way smoother than before. (Another huge change here!)
Sprinting: I added the ability for players to Sprint and quickly run away from danger! Be warned, sprinting consumes energy, and if you are catched withouth energy you will have a bad (or very good) time! In order to sprint you have to press Q!
Energy regeneration: Slightly increased to be more dynamic and be able to use the new Sprinting feature often.
Third floor: Added the third floor to the game! This floor has Lingerie as it's theme. Along with the new floor there are 8 new enemies (4 male and 4 female), and 10 new moves in total!
Hidden doors: the secret passages are now slightly more obscured than before (they were super visible, mostly because of an error in the texture), but if you pay attention you will notice a slight difference in the wall tone where the secret doors are!
(you can see the different tone in the hidden door wall!)
Bug fixes: Fixed a bunch of stuff including animation errors, dicks not showing up, dicks showing up when they shouldn't, doors not opening, etc.
And that's all that is in this update.
There is a lot of stuff that has been done in code that you can't really see but that will allow us to work better and faster in improving this project, and im happy that after a month of trying i managed to get it working.
Now regarding Kinky Fight Club, i will update soon with some new moves and one more character slot and some bug fixes, i haven't really had any time yet to animate, so i have to get into that. So expect an update next week probably.
And regarding Project Nexus, the test demo it's on it's way, it will be ready around the 22-23th, and as i said before it is a proof of concept gameplay test tech demo, there won't be any sex content in it but rather very basic stuff. Even if it isn't super entertaining to play it, i wanna all of you -who allow us to create a new project with your support - what we been working on for the last moths.
Tomorrow i will make the voting poll for the next floor!
Have a great weekend friends, and ill see you soon!
Dungeon Coup Changelog 0.3
- Fixed 9 minor issues that i forgot to write down one by one.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Strap-on to lose it's texture.
- Completely overhauled the whole lighting system, it looks much better now.
- Optimized levels 1 & 2. Greatly increasing performance (from 73 stable fps on average to 109)
- Fixed an issue in one sex movement not starting properly. (cased by 2nd floor strong active enemies)
- Fixed an issue that caused using Reset to always go back to floor 1.
- Fixed an issue that caused when losing in the second floor to respawn in floor 1.
- Slightly increased energy regeneration.
- Fixed a rare issue occurring in the main menu that won't let players change roles.
- Greatly improved the selection screen.
- Greatly improved the lighting in the main menu, floors 1 and floor 2.
- Added Character Creator with 2 slots for characters. (more to come in the future)
- Added 5 costume slots for each character.
- Improved lighting performance by reducing drawcalls.
- Energy regeneration slightly increased.
- Removed tutorial screen from Floors 2 & 3.
- Fixed an error in Secret doors coloring.
- Corrected a collision issue.
- Fixed an issue that was causing players not be able to escape when some male enemies started sex movements.
- Fixed a missing animation on the strong male enemy from second floor.
- Added Sprinting! Now you can sprint while pressing Q, but beware it consumes stamina!
- Fixed a misspelling in the main menu.
- Added a proper black color to Stap-ons.
- Fixed an issue with dick colors not getting properly illuminated.
- Fixed a bunch of issues with some sex moves not behaving properly.
- The player's dick will now properly show or hide based on the player's clothing, even when creating a naked character.
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Dungeon Coup
Adult Dungeon Crawler
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